

Kirtan a is call and response form of devotional singing.  The leader(s) will sing a phrase and the audience will respond, repeating what the leader has just sung.  Sanskrit is the predominant language that most kirtans (and bhajans) are sung because of it's healing properties when repeated many times.  However, English songs are also becoming quite popular with kirtan artists.  David Newman (Durga Das) is one of the most popular kirtan artists using both English and Sanskrit chants in his devotional concerts. 





photo by Bliss Wood

(na - ma - stay)

  "I bow to you."

It is used as a respectful greeting and also means" thank you".  Anjali Mudra (pressing your palms together at your heart or your forehead and bowing your head) is the hand position that usually accompanies Namaste.  They are often synonymous and Anjali mudra has come to be called "namaste position" or "prayer position".

The God/Goddess within me acknowledges the God/Goddess within you.

The Divine in me recognizes and honors, the Divine in you.

The spirit within me bows to the spirit within you.

I greet that place where you and I are one.

I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace.

No matter which interpretation you choose you should think of it as a divine blessing that honors sacredness and equality in everyone.


"Less is More"

Sometimes less really is more.  Letting go of striving and surrendering to the wisdom of your body will teach you lessons you'll never learn in books, lectures or how-to courses. In doing yoga, your body becomes your teacher.  

Let go and let your body show you the way.  As you breathe into a pose and let go, you move more deeply into it.  

As you breathe deeply and relax into your life, you will discover the same lesson resonates within each situation you encounter.  

If you surrender to the situations that arise in your life, you will find yourself experiencing them in a deeper and more meaningful way.

--excerpted from

Empowering Your Life With Yoga

by  Bliss Wood  



The more you appreciate the more quickly you will receive ! 

I have more than enough!


 How to Thrive in Changing TImes

If everyone channeled the energy that is created from our complaining about what is not working to positive thoughts and intentions, we would see a great deal of positive change on the planet.

--Sandra Ingerman

(Author of How to Heal Toxic Thoughts)


Thought to Remember

Love demands a complete inner transformation- for without this we cannont possibly come to identify ourselves with our brother (and sister).  We have to become, in some sense, the person we love. 

--The Wisdom of the Desert

The Merton Institute for Contemplative Living



excerpts from

"The Portable LIFE 101"

by John-Roger and Peter McWilliams.

Be bold. Commit and act.

When you're so committed to something you know it's going to happen,
you act as though it's going to happen. That action is a powerful

Replacing a negative memory with a positive one heals it.

Health is more than just the absence of illness. Health is the presence
of aliveness, energy, joy.



“Surrender is an ability to be open to your life, to joyfully anticipate its unfolding
without fear or regret.”



Having Faith Is Simply What We Do Between Miracles!!   --anonymous



Photo Gallery: Inspiration




Bliss Wood

Bodywork Sessions

Reiki - 2 Sessions $170

Reiki - 2 Sessions $170

These are "in-person" sessions. Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) means “universal life force”. Reiki healing is profound yet simple. It is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues with wonderful results such as:   boosts and improves the immune system...

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Reiki - 4 Sessions $325

Reiki - 4 Sessions $325

These are "in-person" sessions. Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) means “universal life force”. Reiki healing is profound yet simple. It is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues with wonderful results such as:   boosts and improves the immune system...

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Distance Reiki - 1 Session $75

Distance Reiki - 1 Session $75

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) means “universal life force”. Reiki healing is profound yet simple. It is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues with wonderful results such as:   boosts and improves the immune system      ...

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